Sunday, July 26, 2009

IN PARALLEL - Reduced to Tears [McDoC Evo-XR Re-Mix]

Running Time : 7:52

Among my vinyls, the EP of this song was the only one I kept ... or so I thought. While I gave away the rest to my cousins and friends, I decided to tuck this along with my dad's LP's. I've always hoped, and kept an eye out, for a CD release of this song. But up to now, I believe the great ol' vinyl single and EP releases were the only format available. Then about a few years ago, having not heard the song for a long time, I thought it'd be great if I could have someone record it on a CD. I looked for it in the attic of my parent's house but couldn't find it anywhere. Luckily, about a year ago, I found fellow bloggers who posted their rips. Having the digitized copies of the single and extended re-mix, I just had to do an Evo-XR treatment of this obscure new wave single. Hope you check it out.

Thanks to Dj docT, Sandman and Marcel.

Shop for their records (if you're lucky) at:

Friday, July 17, 2009

PETER WOLF - Lights Out [McDoC Evo-XR Mix]

Running Time : 11:04

The chorus of this song always gets my head nodding... and if no one's looking --- groovin' to the beat. Combining the extended dance mix and dub versions for my Evo-XR treatment, the remix clocks at 11 minutes. It's really a blast dancin' to this tune. :)

Thanks to Illusion Music for the 12" E.P. share. :))

Shop for his CD's at: or

Bauhaus - She's In Parties (Cygnet Mix)

It has been quite some time since my last post and indeed a long time since my last mix... but here I am back again with a mix I made very recently but wanted to make for a very long time.
She's in Parties is a popular single from Bauhaus. Great baseline! It was released on their 1983 album Burning from the Inside. It was also released on 12" in the same year with a B-Side track called Here's The Dub (special effects by loonatik and drinks).

For this mix I used the original 12" and combined it with the b-side track.


Friday, July 10, 2009

RIC OCASEK - Emotion in Motion
[McDoC Evo-XR Mix]

Running Time : 6:35

This song still sounds great after all those years. I thought I'd stretch it up a bit, so here it is... Enjoy!

Shop for his CD's at: or

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

FALCO - No Answer (Hallo Deutschland) (chronovisor mix)

Hello lovers!

If you want to read the German text, then visit my Thank You.
ENJOY! Floyd Anderson.

Here is the info:

No Answer (Hallo Deutschland)
(chronovisor mix)
music file

Saturday, July 04, 2009

FOYER DES ARTS - Trends (chronovisor mix)

Foyer Des Arts - Trends

Trends, Trends. Das ist der Trend jetzt.
Das tut man neuerdings so.
Trends, Trends. Das ist der Trend jetzt.
Das ist jetzt ueblich.

Es besteht wieder meldepflicht.
Das Eine kommt, das And're geht.
Trends sind puenktlich, nie zu spaet.
Ohne Trends und ohne Mode
langweilte man sich zu Tode.

Man traegt wieder Paradebeutel.
Heute Dieses, morgen Jenes.
Trends sind doch was Wunderschoenes.
Das Eine kommt, das And're geht.
Trends sind puenktlich, nie zu spaet.

Wortwechsel sind jetzt weniger gefragt.
Ohne Trends und ohne Mode
langweilte man sich zu Tode.
Bestaendigkeit, das ist zuwenig.
Wer den Trend kennt, der ist Koenig.

Trends, Trends. Das ist der Trend jetzt.
Das tut man neuerdings so.
Trends, Trends. Das ist der Trend jetzt.
Das ist jetzt ueblich.

Die Moral hat sich geaendert.
Das Eine kommt, das and're geht.
Trends sind puenktlich, nie zu spaet.
Ohne Trends und ohne Mode
langweilte man sich zu Tode.

Die Aepfel werden wieder birnenfoermiger.
Heute Dieses, morgen Jenes.
Trends sind doch was Wunderschoenes.
Das Eine kommt, das And're geht.
Trends sind puenktlich, nie zu spaet.

Und ausserdem:
Gitarrensolos erobern sich die Rockmusik zurueck.

Keramikvasen geh'n jetzt wieder viel leichter kaputt.
Ohne Trends und ohne Mode
langweilte man sich zu Tode.
Bestaendigkeit, das ist zuwenig.
Wer den Trend kennt, der ist Koenig.

Trends, Trends. Das ist der Trend jetzt.
Das tut man neuerdings so.
Trends, Trends. Das ist der Trend jetzt.
Das ist jetzt ueblich.
Trends, Trends. Das ist der Trend jetzt.
Das tut man neuerdings so.
Trends, Trends. Das ist der Trend jetzt.
Das ist jetzt hochaktuell.

ENJOY! Floyd Anderson.

Hier ist die Info:

(chronovisor mix)
music file

Thursday, July 02, 2009

PM - Piece of Paradise [McDoC Evo-XR Mix]

Running Time: 6:08

This is a great song from PM. It was the only top ten single from their out-of-print self-titled album released in 1988. I've been looking for a 12" version of this song everywhere but to no avail. So, the moment I found out about sound editing thru my Roxio program, the first project that popped in my mind was to do an eXtended Re-edit of this song. There have been many revisions and it has EVOlved into this final version. Hope you'll like it. :)

Buy their records/CD at:
or or